As many students at the University of Minnesota and other colleges throughout the Twin Cities prepare for spring break, it’s important to consider the potential legal consequences that can come with running afoul of the law while on vacation.

Whether you’re a student or a concerned parent, you probably understand that an arrest for drug possession, drinking and driving or other charges can have lasting consequences. Fines, jail time, court-mandated community service and various other consequences are common, but what about the impact an arrest can have on your academic career? Or looking farther into the future, your professional career?

Below are a few of the ways a simple mistake made while on spring break can seriously inhibit your academic and career plans going forward:

  • You could lose scholarships or be ineligible for future scholarships
  • You may be ineligible for student loans and financial aid
  • You could be kicked off of your college athletic teams
  • You may be ineligible for student housing or could be kicked out of campus housing
  • You could be suspended or even kicked out of school
  • You could be ineligible for internships
  • You may be ineligible for study abroad programs
  • A tarnished criminal record will make it difficult to get a job or pursue a career once you’re finished with school

Whether staying in Minnesota or heading to warmer climates, it helps to know you have a legal advocate

At the Law Office of John J. Leunig, attorney Leunig can provide you or your college-age son or daughter with counsel and representation to properly address criminal accusations or charges. As your legal advocate, he can outline options for resolving the case while protecting your rights and reputation.

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