Probation Violations

Minneapolis Probation Violation Criminal Defense Attorney

Unless a case is dismissed or a defendant is acquitted, most criminal cases involve a term of probation where the person is required to abide by certain conditions to avoid further jail time. 

When one or more of those conditions are violated, an individual needs knowledgeable representation from an
experienced criminal defense attorney. We have extensive experience shielding clients from the full force of the criminal justice system.

If you’ve been charged with a probation violation and are in need of legal help right away, let’s talk.

At The Law Office of John J. Leunig, our criminal defense lawyers represent adults and juveniles in probation violation cases. You can rely on us to tell your story and protect your rights.

Since the inception of our Minneapolis law firm, we have represented thousands of people and handled hundreds of probation hearings. We know how the system works and have the skill and experience to advocate for your rights and your freedom in probation violation criminal law case.

Probation Violation Classifications

Probation is preferable to a jail or prison sentence, but that does not mean it is easy. There are many ways people can violate probation, including:

  • Not completing court-ordered counseling
  • Failing a drug test
  • Failing to hold a job when court ordered
  • Failing to comply with house arrest
  • Committing another crime
  • Failing to keep in contact with the probation officer

The consequences for violating probation can be surprisingly harsh. The court gave you an opportunity to stay out of jail and you didn’t follow through. Judges take this very seriously and often impose more jail time than the original sentence for such violations.

In addition to jail time, the court can impose stringent new conditions, take away an earlier promise to reduce the level of the conviction upon successful completion of probation or exercise other options as well. In certain felony cases, revocation can result in being sent to prison. You need a strong criminal defense attorney in your corner if you are facing this situation.

Minneapolis Criminal Defense Experience

The sentence you receive can be greatly affected by the quality of your legal representation. Make sure that you work with a criminal law lawyer who has the skill and experience to convince the judge that you deserve another chance.

As a Criminal Law Specialist certified by the Minnesota State Bar Association, John J. Leunig has handled thousands of criminal cases, and he can handle any probation violation that arises, no matter how serious.

Criminal Defense Attorney Free Consultation

Call me today at our Minneapolis area office. We take calls 24/7 at 952-540-6800 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today.

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Matt and Terri

For a free consultation, please call our Minneapolis-area office at 952-540-6800.
You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.

The Law Office of John J. Leunig

The Wells Fargo Plaza
7900 Xerxes Avenue South Suite 815
Bloomington, MN 55431

Phone: 952-540-6800
Bloomington Law Office Map
John Leunig - Minneapolis area criminal defense attorney
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