If the typical festivities of New Year’s resulted in an anything but typical night in jail and criminal charge, you definitely should add obtaining strong legal counsel to your New Year’s resolution list. And the sooner you do that, the better. If you were charged with any alcohol-related driving offense, you need to be aware that the charges and proceedings are complex, and the consequences are no joke. Even a first offense is not without serious repercussions if convicted.

New Year’s Eve is commonly known to be a time when the roads are more hazardous thanks in part to increased alcohol consumption among the drivers navigating them and combined with often harsh Minnesota weather conditions. We see police out in full force and knowingly slow down, aware that they are watching for any sign that a driver might be intoxicated.

If you were one of the drivers pulled over and charged with an alcohol-related driving offense, you need an attorney who knows what to look for and who will aggressively fight for you. Your case outcome depends upon whether or not an attorney can successfully challenge the legalities behind your being pulled over, the validity of any tests administered and whether there was probable cause for your arrest.

Don’t let the New Year negatively change the course of your future. The Law Offices of John J. Leunig will hear your case and go to work to fight for your rights with the objective of seeing charges dropped, your case dismissed or if that is not possible, your penalties reduced to the lightest load possible.

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