Another Minnesota firearms deer season has come to a close, but many people were unable to partake in what is often a family tradition here in Minnesota due to a past criminal conviction. Many people are surprised to learn that even non-violent, decades-old drug possession offenses can affect a Minnesotan’s right to possess a firearm, and thus hunt, for the rest of their life. However, there is a process for seeking the restoration of firearms rights.


Persons convicted of felony offenses lose certain rights upon conviction. Many of these rights are automatically restored upon expiration of a person’s sentence or probationary term. However, in Minnesota, persons convicted of a crime of violence do not automatically have their firearms rights restored upon completion of their sentence or probation.

People facing a lifetime prohibition from the possession of firearms must petition the court in order to have their firearm rights restored. A court may grant such a request if the petitioner shows good cause for doing so. However, seeking restoration of firearms rights can be a complicated and hard fought process. Moreover, if a petition is denied, the person cannot file another one for at least three years unless the court permits them to file one sooner. This is why it is important to consult with a skilled criminal defense attorney before pursuing the restoration of firearm rights.

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, or would like to seek an expungement, call the skilled, dedicated criminal defense lawyers at The Law Office of John J. Leunig at 952-540-6800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a free consultation. The lawyers at The Law Office of John J. Leunig provide vigorous, intelligent and personalized representation to people accused of crimes in the State and Federal courts in Minnesota, Wisconsin and nationwide.

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