If the typical festivities of New Year’s resulted in an anything but typical night in jail and criminal charge, you definitely should add obtaining strong legal counsel to your New Year’s resolution list. And the sooner you do that, the better. If you were...
Because of the many holidays associated with the month of December, it’s perhaps one of the months in which we celebrate the most with family and friends. For some, this means quiet get-togethers with family and friends. For others, it means big gatherings in...
Thanks to the Internet, residents in Minnesota and the world over have a wealth of knowledge at their finger tips. If you have questions and need answers, you simply have to type it into a search engine and out pops hundreds of sites that can provide you with insight....
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees our right to be free of unreasonable, warrantless searches and seizures — most of the time. There is an exception: If law enforcement has probable cause to believe that evidence of wrongdoing will be...
We are talking about the constitutionality of implied consent statutes. These laws make it a crime for someone pulled over or arrested for driving while impaired to refuse a blood or urine test — and in some states a breath test. Civil rights advocates say that...
It may seem as though a drunk driving charge can’t be beat, but there are plenty of ways that someone accused of such an offense can build their case. Make sure you talk to an experienced attorney as soon as possible after you are charged. Together, you and your...
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