To build upon our prior discussion of how bail can be posted, this post will discuss the constitutional and statutory restrictions on bail amounts in Minnesota. Many factors can come into play when a judge is determining a bail amount. However, there are limits as to...
Ignition Interlock is a program that allows Minnesota motorists whose driving privileges have been revoked due to a driving while impaired (DWI) offense to legally drive during the license revocation period. All Minnesota DWI offenders have the option to regain...
When a person is arrested and booked into jail they often have to wait for a judge to determine their conditions of release. If a judge does not release a person on their own recognizance or grant them a conditional release, then monetary bail will usually be set. The...
People who drink regularly in Minnesota may believe they are familiar with their own tolerance for alcohol and use this as a basis for decisions such as whether they are able to drive safely. However, the assumptions about how a person’s body is responding to the...
It’s 2:00 a.m. early on a Saturday morning. You’ve been arrested for driving while impaired (DWI) and gone through the testing process. So what happens now? Depending on the circumstances of the offense, DWI arrestees are either booked and released, booked...
A recent news story shows why hiring a lawyer and fighting a DWI charge is almost always in a person’s best interest. According to articles from numerous news sources, a New York woman had her DWI charges dismissed after presenting evidence that she suffered...
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