When drivers are accused of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, there are a variety of factors that can have an influence on the outcome. For example, if they have been charged with DUI in the past, they may face harsher penalties than those who are accused of...
When someone is charged with driving while intoxicated, a number of factors must be taken into consideration. Sometimes, drivers are subjected to invalid blood alcohol content tests or unlawful traffic stops. Moreover, some cases involve exaggerated details that can...
Getting pulled over by law enforcement is an unnerving experience. This can be especially true when law enforcement officers suspect that drivers have been drinking or otherwise operating their vehicles under the influence of questionable substances. For most...
Although lawmakers in Minnesota want to find ways to prevent people from getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, there are many who agree that the current technology could be better. According to Laser Focus World, scientists are turning their focus to...
In a recent Minnesota Court of Appeals decision, that court ruled that polygraph test results are not admissible as substantive evidence of a probation violation in probation-revocation proceedings because polygraph testing has not been proven reliable. Prior...
Although sleeping in your car in the parking lot of a bar after a night of drinking is a better choice than driving home, it still has the potential to result in charges for driving while impaired (DWI) in Minnesota and is a practice that should be avoided in order to...
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