When young people go off to college, they are often bombarded with new experiences and opportunities. The choices they make and the actions they take when engaging in parties, dating and consuming alcohol can have serious, long-lasting consequences that affect all aspects of their personal and professional lives.

At The Law Office of John J. Leunig, I represent young people in the Twin Cities and across Minnesota who may have had a lapse in judgment, made a mistake, were wrongfully accused or were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Throughout my 28 years of experience, I have worked with college students and their families facing serious criminal accusations – including sex crimes such as:

  • Date rape
  • Statutory rapeSexual assault
  • Internet solicitation of a minor
  • Prostitution and solicitation
  • Indecent exposure and lewd conduct
  • All degrees of criminal sexual conduct

When I take your case, I step in and defend your rights, help you understand the severity of the situation you are in, look for opportunities to minimize harmful exposure and take action to mitigate potential criminal consequences.

Even unfounded accusations can permanently damage your reputation

In addition to responding to potential jail time, probation and being listed on the Minnesota and national sex offender registries, it’s important for those accused of sex crimes to understand that collateral consequences of the charges. Unlike other types of offenses like traffic violations, sex crimes carry a serious social stigma. Even if the charges are unfounded and you are cleared, the court of public opinion is often quick to pass judgment.

For these and other reasons, it helps to have a lawyer working on your behalf to protect your rights and your reputation.

As your attorney, I will investigate the facts of the case by working with doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists, forensic experts, DNA specialists and others who can help build a strong and compelling narrative that casts doubt upon the prosecution’s story. I’m your representative, which means I’m not here to judge you, I’m here to help you.

Whether working toward a reduction of the charges through negotiations, a dismissal or taking the case to trial if necessary, I use my experience, insight and resources to ensure you have every opportunity to achieve the best possible outcome.

When it comes to accusations of sex crimes, there’s little time to waste

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