On this blog, we have covered a number of news stories and topics related to sex crimes, from unlawful pornography to allegations of sexual assault. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, and all across the U.S., these types of accusations can shatter your life in a very short...
Minnesota is known for its strict dealing with convicted sex offenders. After serving their criminal sentences, those convicted of certain sex crimes face a risk evaluation, which determines the level of danger they present to the public. When evaluations reveal a...
Over the past 30 years, DUI accident fatalities have dropped by one-third, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That said, the NHTSA reports that a person’s chances of being involved in a drunk driving accident during their lifetime...
For those accused of an offense that is sexual in nature, a number of difficulties may lie ahead. In Minneapolis, and cities across the entire state of Minnesota, these offenses carry a stigma that can affect those facing charges in various ways. For example, someone...
When charged with a drug-related crime, the potential consequences to your personal and professional life, in the event of a conviction, can be quite severe. One of the most common drug offenses seen in Minnesota and elsewhere is drug possession. This column will...
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