Internet Sex Crimes
Minneapolis Internet Sex Crime Attorney
These types of cases are aggressively prosecuted with many severe consequences.
You need a sex crime attorney with extensive experience who will protect your rights and give you the best result possible.
If you are facing Internet sex crime charges and need help today, let’s talk.
At The Law Office of John J. Leunig, our sex crime attorney will provide aggressive federal and state defense in all sex crime cases.
Penalties for Internet sex crimes involving children often involve lengthy prison sentences and steep fines. If convicted, you will be required to register as a sex offender on the predatory offender list in Minnesota and on national sex offender registries. Even if you never touched a child, you could be required to register as a sex offender. Sex offender registration is a game changer and will make every aspect of your life more difficult.
In over a quarter of a century practicing criminal defense, sex crime attorney John J. Leunig has handled dozens of internet sex crime cases. They are some of the most difficult cases to defend, but handled properly, the results can be excellent. Even in cases where guilt appears obvious, a skilled sex crime attorney like John J. Leunig can successfully negotiate a favorable result.
Cases in this arena often draw on more than just guilt or innocence. They involve getting to know the clients and their backgrounds, getting them into appropriate treatment, gathering letters of support from family and friends, and ultimately using the art of persuasion to convince a judge that justice requires something other than just a long prison sentence.
Protection From a Internet Sex Crime Attorney
Internet sex crimes and related offenses can include:
- Possession or distribution of child pornography
- Soliciting a minor online/electronic solicitation of children
- Inducing a minor for prostitution
- Sexual assault
- Online solicitation of an adult
- Sex trafficking online
- Texting or sexting with a minor/communication of sexually explicit materials to children
In Internet-related cases, our sex crime attorney will often work with computer forensic experts to determine what evidence exists and whether it is admissible at trial. Our sex crime attorney will also determine whether law enforcement violated your constitutional rights when investigating you, arresting you or gathering evidence. Entrapment is also sometimes an issue in online solicitation cases.
I work hard to tell your side of the story and present the facts while challenging the admissibility of sex crime evidence whenever possible.
Regardless of the circumstances, we use all available resources to forge a defense, whether it is to attack the state’s case on the merits in a trial or to show the court that you are proactive, has support of family and friends, and is a good candidate for a lenient disposition.
Our sex crime attorney takes these cases very seriously and leave no stone unturned in seeking justice for clients.
Minneapolis Sex Crime Attorney Free Consultation
To schedule a free consultation with a sex crime attorney, please call our Minneapolis area office 24/7/365 at 952-540-6800. You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.
For a free consultation, please call our Minneapolis-area office at 952-540-6800.
You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.
The Law Office of John J. Leunig
The Wells Fargo Plaza
7900 Xerxes Avenue South Suite 815
Bloomington, MN 55431