Permit to Carry/Purchase Firearm Denials
What You Need to Know About Firearm Permit Denials
Just because your local law enforcement agency has denied your permit to carry or permit to purchase application does not necessarily mean you are stuck with their decision. These denials can, and should, be appealed to a district court judge, who often offers a far more objective review of your application. The relentless and creative attorneys at The Law Office of John J. Leunig can assist you in challenging law enforcement’s denial of your permit request.
Minnesota citizens seeking to lawfully carry a firearm in public must generally apply for a permit to carry, and certain firearms purchases require a citizen to have been approved for a permit to purchase. If law enforcement denies an application request, the justifications for their decision can be challenged in district court and overturned by a judge.
In reviewing applications, there are a number of criteria that law enforcement reviews in making a decision on an application and these agencies seem to enjoy the power they wield in assessing applications. For example, law enforcement agencies frequently deem persons with prior drug convictions as unlawful users of controlled substances and deny their applications despite the fact that the conviction is often decades old and the person has not used illegal substances since. But unless this decision is vigorously objected to and challenged, it will stand. The attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Leunig can help you to expose ridiculous reasoning such as this by appealing your denial to a district court judge.
If you have been denied a permit to carry or a permit to purchase, there are generally strict deadlines within which you must appeal certain denials, so contact The Law Office of John J. Leunig as soon as possible to discuss your options. If you are a person who faces a lifetime prohibition from possessing a firearm due to a prior conviction for a crime of violence then seeking restoration of your firearms rights is likely the proper remedy to pursue.
If you or someone you know is having trouble obtaining a permit to purchase or carry, contact the attorneys at The Law Office of John J. Leunig. The law office charges a flat fee for initial consultations on firearms rights and permit denial matters.
For a free consultation, please call our Minneapolis-area office at 952-540-6800.
You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.
The Law Office of John J. Leunig
The Wells Fargo Plaza
7900 Xerxes Avenue South Suite 815
Bloomington, MN 55431