Drug Possession

Drug Defense Lawyer Minneapolis

Drug possession convictions can severely damager your future.

As a Criminal Law Attorney Specialist, John J. Leunig is a respected, experienced drug defense lawyer who will fight to protect and give you the best possible outcome. 

If you face a drug possession conviction and need immediate protection, let’s talk.

From misdemeanor possession to federal charges, you do not want a drug possession conviction on your criminal record. A conviction can severely damage your future, especially if you are young or have a prior drug offense. In these cases, even a minor drug crime can have a serious effect on your life.

The Law Office of John J. Leunig provides tough, experienced defense against state and federal drug charges. We are aggressive drug defense lawyers in the Minneapolis area who will fight to protect your freedom.

In addition, we work to get first-time and nonviolent offenders into diversionary programs such as drug court, when possible. These programs allow people involved with drugs to get help and probation instead of serving jail or prison terms.

As a drug defense lawyer, you can rely on us to work hard to keep you out of jail. By acting strategically in these cases, we will help you get the best possible outcome for your case.


Seek Protection from a Drug Defense Lawyer

We have a long and successful track record of representing adults and juveniles in Minnesota and Wisconsin who were charged with possession, sale and distribution of all types of controlled substances.

The charges you face depend on the type and amount of drugs involved. It doesn’t take much to trigger federal drug charges and a potentially long prison sentence. For example, possessing 100 or more marijuana plants or 100 kilograms or more of marijuana will result in a five-year mandatory minimum prison sentence.

Constitutional rights violations such as illegal search and seizure are often an element of drug crimes defense. Our drug defense lawyer will carefully review the police report to determine whether the police had probable cause to search you. If there was no probable cause, our drug defense lawyer will file a motion for the suppression of evidence and perhaps the reduction or dismissal of the charges.

Because of our experience, thorough case preparation and skill as drug defense lawyers, we are often able to keep our clients from serving jail time and from having a lifelong record as a felon.

Minneapolis Drug Defense Lawyer Free Consultation

To schedule a free consultation from a drug defense lawyer, please call our Minneapolis area office 24/7/365 at 952-540-6800. You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.

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Matt and Terri

For a free consultation, please call our Minneapolis-area office at 952-540-6800.
You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.

The Law Office of John J. Leunig

The Wells Fargo Plaza
7900 Xerxes Avenue South Suite 815
Bloomington, MN 55431

Phone: 952-540-6800
Bloomington Law Office Map
John Leunig - Minneapolis area criminal defense attorney
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