A common question from clients who have been charged with driving while impaired (DWI) is “Why did I get charged with multiple counts of DWI for the same incident?” The reason is that in a typical alcohol related DWI case, there are generally two ways for...
As an adult in Minneapolis, drinking alcohol at social events may not be a problem for you. However, how you find your way home after a few drinks could cause an issue under some circumstances. In fact, even if you are not driving, a law enforcement officer could...
Alcohol consumption in Minnesota is prohibited for minors, and there are a number of state and local laws that seek to prevent underage drinking and driving, and the damages these activities cause. According to the University of Minnesota, if a minor drinks alcohol...
A question that comes up every so often is whether or not a person can be convicted of a DWI in Minnesota for riding a bicycle while intoxicated. The answer is no. In Minnesota, you cannot be convicted of a DWI for riding a standard pedal bike while drunk. The reason...
If you have encountered suspicion from law enforcement based on the color of your skin, you may have been the victim of racial profiling. For example, if you are speeding or weaving between lanes on the roads of Minnesota, you may not be surprised when a police...
Although there are sometimes exceptions, such as DUI checkpoints, most DUI arrests start with one thing: suspicion. An officer can’t pull you over without reasonable suspicion or probable cause. If he or she has that, the officer can then pull you over and...
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