Case Victories
Case Victories
Intentional Murder – Acquittal
Client, a young man in his twenties, got into an altercation with a friend and ended up shooting him nine times inside of a van. He fled the state but was later found and extradited from the State of Washington and charged with Intentional Murder. Mr. Leunig raised self-defense, and after an extremely long and hard-fought trial that lasted nearly a month, his client was acquitted of the murder charge.
Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First and Second Degree – Acquittal
Client was charged with First Degree and Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct based on allegations made by his stepdaughter. The client vehemently denied the allegations from the outset. Attorneys John J. Leunig and Justin J. Duffy ultimately took the case to trial. The accuser, the detectives, and a supposed expert in sexual assault matters were all thoroughly cross examined by the defense. The jurors acquitted the client after nearly two weeks of trial and saving him from the potential for twenty or more years in prison.
One Count of Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree –Acquitted After Two-Week Jury Trial
Client met a woman on a dating website and went out on a first date with her. They ended up at client’s house afterwards and ultimately engaged in sexual intercourse. During the sexual intercourse she suffered a vaginal laceration and began to bleed. By the time she got home she was bleeding significantly and ended up in the ER at the hospital. She was in and out of the hospital for several days. After initially claiming the sexual intercourse was consensual, she claimed she had been sexually assaulted. The trial involved testimony from five doctors, one nurse, and numerous other witnesses. At the end of a hard-fought trial the client was acquitted by the jury, thereby saving him from a felony conviction, having to register as a predatory offender, and a long prison term.
Four Counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree and One Count of Second-Degree Assault – Acquitted on All Counts
An ex-girlfriend accused client of forcing her to engage in sex by threatening her with a knife on one occasion and alleging that she was coerced into having sex on another occasion. The client denied that he had ever forced her to engage in any sexual activities and stated that any activities they had engaged in were entirely consensual. The case involved lengthy pretrial litigation on numerous different legal issues and a hard-fought trial. The accuser was cross examined by the defense in front of the jury, along with a number of other witnesses. The jury acquitted our client after a few hours of deliberations, thereby saving him from a felony conviction, having to register as a predatory offender and the potential for years in prison.
Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree — Two Victims — Double Acquittal
Client, a military veteran, was charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree against his young niece and nephew. It was alleged that the sexual assaults happened hundreds of times, and both alleged victims gave videotaped statements and testified at trial. Mr. Leunig’s vigorous cross-examination and skillful presentation of his case led to a complete acquittal after a week of trial.
Three Consecutive DWIs On A Segway – All Dismissed
Client, a local lawyer, was charged with Gross Misdemeanor DWI for driving under the influence of alcohol while on a Segway. Within a short period of time he was cited two more times for driving under the influence of alcohol on a Segway, with the last charge being a felony level crime. Mr. Leunig thoroughly researched, briefed and argued the cases and won separate dismissals of all the DWI charges in all three cases in front of two different judges and got all three license revocations reversed, leaving his client with a clean record. The ruling he won at the trial level was later affirmed on appeal.
Felony Drug Possession Offense – Dismissed
Client was charged with a felony based on allegations that he was found to be in possession of drugs during an encounter with law enforcement. The prosecutor was seeking a mandatory minimum jail sentence due to the client’s prior record. Firm attorneys employed a creative argument alleging violations of the client’s constitutional rights due to delays in the case. The prosecutor ultimately agreed to dismiss the case.
Gross Misdemeanor Third Degree DWI – Acquittal
Client was charged with a Third Degree DWI due to having had a prior DWI offense within the previous ten years. The matter ultimately proceeded to trial where attorney Justin J. Duffy successfully attacked the validity of the breath test result based on anomalies in the test records and challenged the prosecution’s claims that the client was actually impaired. The jury acquitted the client of all charges. The firm was able to help the client avoid a new conviction and also the mandatory minimum jail sentence that would have come with a new conviction.
Felony Sexual Assault Of A Child – Charge Reduced – No Jail
Client, an adult, was arrested for Sexual Assault of a minor aged girl at a house he was staying at. The reports alleged sexual touching and penetration, which would have called for a long prison term if convicted. Mr. Leunig negotiated with the prosecutor prior to formal charges being brought and the final resolution was a plea to a reduced charge, no prison or jail time, community service, and the chance for the client to have the felony nature of the charge taken off his record after three years.
Criminal Sexual Conduct-Multiple Counts – Acquittal
Client was accused in a multi-count complaint of Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree for the alleged rape and sexual assault of two separate victims, both related to the client. Client was ultimately acquitted of all charges following a lengthy and extremely hard-fought jury trial.
Gross Misdemeanor Prostitution – Dismissed
Client was a businessman in town from another state doing work in downtown Minneapolis. After getting lost he ended up in the middle of a prostitution sting operation and was arrested for Gross Misdemeanor Prostitution in a Public Place. The encounter was caught on tape and observed by numerous police officers. Client maintained he was completely innocent and came back to Minnesota for the scheduled jury trial. Mr. Leunig was fully prepared for trial and just prior to jury selection the prosecutor completely dismissed the case.
Felony Fleeing A Police Officer – Acquittal
Client was charged with Felony Fleeing A Police Officer after he allegedly tried to outrun a police officer in his Corvette Stingray. Although the client hired Mr. Leunig just days before trial, Mr. Leunig visited the scene, painstakingly reviewed all the police reports and other evidence, and engineered a defense that led to his client being completely acquitted by a jury.
Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree – Two Victims – Acquittal
Client was charged with multiple counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree for allegedly raping two teenage girls in his apartment after plying them with alcohol and marijuana. Although both girls testified at trial and claimed they had been raped, client was completely acquitted of all charges after a lengthy jury trial.
Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree – child – Acquittal
Client was charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree for the alleged rape of his own preteen daughter. Although client’s daughter gave three separate videotaped statements and also testified at trial, the client was acquitted of all charges after a trial that lasted several weeks.
Felony Assault – Acquittal
Client was charged with Felony Assault after being involved in a fight in a bar. At the conclusion of trial the client was acquitted of all charges.
Firearms Rights Restored – Hennepin County
Client had previously been convicted of a felony level assault, thus resulting in loss of his firearms rights. He hired the firm to seek restoration of his firearms rights. The firm was ultimately successful in persuading a district court judge that there was good cause for restoration of his firearms rights, thereby allowing him to resume hunting and shooting activities with his family.
Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol – Acquittal
Client was charged with Driving under the Influence Of Alcohol after being pulled over based on a driving complaint from another driver. Although his blood alcohol level was just slightly over the legal limit, the prosecutor would not reduce the charge to simple careless driving, which the client he agreed he was guilty of. Mr. Leunig tried the case and his client was acquitted of the DWI charge, convicted on the careless driving charge, and got a petty misdemeanor disposition.
Driving Under The Influence, Underaged Driver – Dismissed
Client, an 18 year old student, had just graduated from high school and got arrested for DWI. His blood alcohol level was almost twice the legal limit, his car windshield was smashed out, and he was unruly with the arresting officer. With the exception of this incident he had an amazing resume: Straight A student, National Merit Scholar, National Honor Society, and he was already accepted into a prestigious Ivy League school. After a considerable amount of very tenacious advocacy, the prosecutor completely dismissed the DWI charges and allowed the case to be resolved with a plea to careless driving and no jail time.
Embezzlement From Girlfriend
Client Embezzled over $200,000 from his girlfriend’s account. Although client was looking at a prison term due to the huge amount of the theft, Mr. Leunig negotiated a local jail sentence that included home arrest.
Second-Degree DWI And Vehicle Forfeiture – Dismissed
Client was charged with Second-Degree Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol for a third DWI in 10 years and faced up to one year in jail and a mandatory minimum jail term of 90 days. His motor vehicle was also seized for forfeiture as a result of this charge. Mr. Leunig thoroughly investigated the case and aggressively asserted his client’s rights, ultimately convincing the prosecutor to dismiss all the DWI charges and return the vehicle to his client.
Driving Under The Influence With A Prior Conviction – Dismissed
DWI case where the client was charged with Third-Degree Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol and had a prior DWI offense on his record. After a contested hearing based on the validity of the stop, the Court ruled in the client’s favor which led to the criminal case being completely dismissed.
Felony Narcotics Charges – Dismissed
Client was charged with Felony Controlled Substance Possession after cocaine was found hidden in the brim of his hat. After a contested hearing in District Court, the judge certified the question regarding the validity of the search and seizure as “important and doubtful.” After going up to the Minnesota Court of Appeals and prevailing, the drug charges against the client were completely dismissed.
Assault With Motor Vehicle, Multiple Other Charges – Acquittal
Client, a local businessman, was accused of Assaulting Another Person with his Motor Vehicle, striking her with it, and leaving the scene without rendering assistance. Mr. Leunig took the case to trial and despite testimony from the alleged victim and two independent witnesses that the assault occurred, his client was completely acquitted on 5 separate criminal counts.
First-Degree Controlled Substance Crime – Acquittal
Client, a 26 year old lady still on probation for a prior drug offense, was accused ofFirst-Degree Controlled Substance Crime, the most serious level drug offense in Minnesota. Because of her record and the seriousness of the crime, the law called for a presumptive prison sentence of 96 months in prison. The charges resulted after a search of her car by police found 54 grams of methamphetamine under the seat she was sitting in. Following a trial in which Mr. Leunig relentlessly cross-examined the witnesses for the state, she was completely acquitted of the charge.
Felony Controlled Substance Crime – No Conviction
Client, a California resident, was stopped on the interstate in southern Minnesota and found to be involved in the Interstate Transport Of Narcotics when 87 pounds of marijuana was found inside his car. He was charged with a Felony Controlled Substance Crime which called for a lengthy presumptive prison sentence. Mr. Leunig negotiated a reduced charge and then, at sentencing, convinced the judge to grant a Stay of Adjudication with time served. This resulted in no conviction on the client’s record at all and his client was released that day with time served.
Fifth-Degree Assault – Dismissed
Client was accused of Assaulting a Bouncer in a downtown bar and was facing jail time because of his prior record. After significant proceedings and negotiations could not resolve the case, the matter was set for jury trial. Just prior to trial, the prosecutor relented and totally dismissed the case.
Felony Controlled Substance Crime, Prescription Meds – Dismissed
Client was charged with a Fifth-Degree Felony Controlled Substance Crime for having prescription medications of another person in her possession. After filing motions and vigorously asserting his client’s innocence, the felony charge was completely dismissed.
Second-Degree DWI – No Jail
Client was charged with Second-Degree Driving Under the Influence, her third charge in 10 years. Despite facing up to one year in jail and mandatory minimum sentence of 90 days jail, client received a sentence of all 90 days on home arrest and avoided jail completely.
Felony Fleeing A Police Officer – No Conviction
Client was charged with Felony Fleeing a Police Officer after driving away multiple times from police officers after being pulled over. The entire episode was caught on tape and client was charged with a felony and faced significant jail time. After multiple court hearings and protracted negotiations, the case was settled with a Stay of Adjudication and no jail time. This resulted in no conviction at all on the client’s record.
Rape, Armed Assault – Home Arrest
Client was charged with Felony Rape and Armed Assault after allegedly holding a loaded gun to a woman’s head to get her to submit to sex. After protracted legal proceedings and negotiations, the rape charge was dismissed and the client pled to a reduced Terroristic Threats charge under an agreement that would reduce the charge to a misdemeanor after the passage of time and where the entire sentence was served on home arrest with work release.
Multiple Sexual Assaults Of A Child By An Adult
Client, a local businessman, was charged in distant county with Multiple Sexual Assaults against a teenage boy. After vigorously asserting his clients rights and just prior to trial, the case settled with a plea to a reduced charge and a sentence of home arrest with work release.
Forcible Sexual Assault – Acquittal
Client, a High School teacher in Minnesota, was charged in Wisconsin with FelonySexual Assault and Providing Alcohol to a Minor. The alleged victim was a student of his at the High School the year before. Mr. Leunig took the case to trial and the client was acquitted on all charges following a jury trial in Wisconsin.
Sexual Assault In A High School – Acquittal
Client, a high school athlete, was charged with Felony Sexual Assault for an incident occurring in a local area High School. Mr. Leunig conducted a thorough investigation which included going to the school classroom where the assault allegedly occurred and at trial cross-examined students who allegedly saw the assault. Client was acquitted of the sexual assault charge following a trial and completed his education at the same school.
Felony Sexual Assault Of A Minor Female By Half-Brother – Acquittal
Client, a 14 year old boy, was charged with Felony Sexual Assault of his younger half-sister. Following a trial in Juvenile Court where the client’s own father, step-mother, and half-sister testified against him, the Judge completely acquitted him of the charge.
Sexual Assault Of Granddaughter In Western State
Client was charged with Felony Sexual Assault of his granddaughter in the State of Montana and faced up to life in prison. After protracted legal proceedings and just prior to trial, the case was settled with a plea to a lesser charge, no incarceration whatsoever, and counseling in his home state.
Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree – Two Victims – Double Acquittal
Client was charged with two counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree for the alleged sexual abuse of his younger male and female cousins on hundreds of occasions over a 4 to 5 year period. Even though the State introduced videotaped statements and both testified at trial, the client was acquitted on both charges after a six day trial.
Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree – Two Victims In Two Separate Counties – Settled With No Prison Time
Elderly client was charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree in two separate counties for sexual assault against two of his granddaughters. He faced lengthy presumptive prison sentences in both counties. After protracted legal proceedings and negotiations, a resolution was achieved that kept the client out of prison and allowed him to serve 8 months total of local jail time.
Manslaughter – Death Of A Child
Client, a father of two, was charged with Manslaughter after his infant daughter died while in his care. After the filing of motions and significant negotiations, client pled to a non-felony reduced charge and served his sentence on home arrest with work release.
Criminal Vehicular Homicide
Client, a father of four, killed another driver, a father of three, while drunk. He was charged with Criminal Vehicular Homicide. Although facing a significant prison sentence, client received a sentence of local jail with work release.
Multiple Current DWIs
Client charged with 3 separate DWIs that occurred within a one month period, and within 6 months of a prior DWI. Although facing the prospect of being a life-long convicted felon and significant jail time, client received a non-felony sentence that consisted of six days in jail (which he had already served on arrest), and 84 days of electronic home monitoring with work release.
Federal Drug Conspiracy
Client charged in Federal Court with involvement in one of the largest Marijuana Growing and Distribution operations ever in Minnesota. Resolution was reached where client never went to prison and served his sentence on electronic home monitoring with work release.
Aggravated Rape – Facing Life Imprisonment
Client, who had a lengthy prior criminal record, faced charges of Aggravated Rape at Gunpoint. Case involved DNA and other issues and client faced a possible sentence of life imprisonment with no parole. After protracted legal proceedings and negotiations, client pled to a deal that required 13 years in prison rather than life.
DWI – Child Endangerment
Client, a young mother, was arrested for Drunken Driving While Speeding with a test result of 3 times the legal limit and with her 4 year old daughter inside the vehicle. Despite the seriousness of the charges, she received a sentence of only 15 days electronic home monitoring and alcohol education.
DWI – Wisconsin Multiple Offender – Dismissed
Client charged with DWI – Second in Wisconsin and faced mandatory jail time. The stop of his vehicle was challenged on grounds that the Tribal Officer had no jurisdiction to conduct the stop and arrest. After legal briefing of the issues, the District Attorney completely dismissed the DWI charges.
Felony Possession With Intent To Distribute Cocaine
Client, a young college student, was charged with Felony Possession with Intent to Distribute Cocaine. Although facing a presumptive prison sentence, the case was resolved in a manner that kept him from being a life-long felon and with a short sentence of local jail time with work release.
Serious Sexual Assault Of Own Child
Client, a father of three, was charged with Long-Term Sexual Assault of his own daughter. After protracted legal hearings and negotiations, and just prior to jury trial, the case was settled with client not going to prison and serving 8 months of local jail with work release.
DWI – Criminal Vehicular Operation
Client was charged with DWI and Criminal Vehicular Operation of a Motor Vehicle resulting in great bodily harm. Although he was facing significant jail time and one year of license cancellation, the State ultimately dismissed the CVO charge. Client pled to DWI, served no time in jail, and received only a 30 day license revocation.
Minor Consumption Of Alcohol – Dismissed
Client, a high school cheerleader, honor student, and National Honor Society member, was accused of Minor Consumption of Alcohol after the bust of a house party resulted in over a dozen teenagers being charged. Every other defendant pled guilty, but Mr. Leunig found a Fourth Amendment legal issue and asserted it, leading to the charge being completely dismissed.
Felony Theft – Multiple Counties
Client, as part of a Theft Conspiracy that stole computer goods from numerous big box stores, was charged in a significant case that involved videotaped evidence in four counties in two states. After protracted legal proceedings and just prior to trial, client pled guilty to one count of Theft, will not be a life-long felon, and received a sentence of 30 days of electronic home monitoring and the payment of restitution.
Controlled Substance Crime In The First Degree – Cocaine
Client was charged with serious Felony Possession with Intent to Sell Cocaine, which called for a presumptive 86 month prison term if convicted. A plea agreement was reached that kept the client out of prison, gave him the opportunity to get the felony off his record, and had him serve 6 months in local jail with work release.
Federal Armed Bank Robbery
Client was charged in Federal Court with Armed Bank Robbery and faced potential additional identical charges that would have resulted upon conviction in a sentence where client would spend the rest of his life in prison. Client pled to a single charge and initially received a 15 year Federal sentence, however counsel went back to the sentencing Judge several years later and got that sentence cut in half.
DWI – Second Degree – Mandatory 90-Day Jail Sentence
Client was charged with Second-Degree DWI in a distant rural county and was facing at least 90 days of jail pursuant to statute and local practice. Mr. Leunig raised constitutional search and seizure issues which resulted in a reduced charge and a sentence of 90 days of electronic home monitoring with work release served in home county.
Felony Possession Of Child Pornography
Client was charged with possession of large quantity of Child Pornography and faced significant penalties. A plea agreement was reached that kept client from being a life-long convicted felon and which allowed for electronic home arrest with work release rather than jail or prison.
Gross Misdemeanor School Bus Stop Arm Violation – Dismissed
Client was charged with Driving Past A School Bus with The Stop Arm Down . After an investigation of the scene and discussions with the City Attorney, the case was totally dismissed.
Felony Controlled Substance – Cocaine – Multiple Counties
Client was charged in two separate counties with Felony Possession of Cocaine, then received another new felony charge for the same thing while the other charges were pending. Following protracted legal proceedings, including numerous motions attacking search and seizure issues, one county agreed to dismiss its charges and the other county agreed to a non-prison, local jail resolution.
Solicitation Of A Child To Engage In Sexual Conduct via Internet
Client was charged with Soliciting Young Girls over the Internet to Engage in Sexual Conduct. Despite overwhelming evidence, including copies of Internet conversations and solicitations, client received a sentence of 30 days local jail with work release and the opportunity to have the felony removed from his record upon future good behavior.
Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol – Dismissed
Client, a school administrator, was charged with DWI after having a test result over twice the legal limit. Client faced almost certain job loss and had to have DWI charge dismissed. An agreement was eventually reached where the DWI charge never went on her record and was dismissed upon client’s good conduct for one year.
[This same type of result has been achieved by Mr. Leunig in countless other DWI cases over the years where clients from all walks of life simply could not allow a DWI conviction to go on their records and ruin their careers.]Felony Assault – KnifingClient, a businessman from Chicago, was charged with a serious Felony Assault following the knifing of another man in a downtown bar. Although facing a presumptive prison term, after protracted legal proceedings and with a trial appearing imminent, the case was settled with client not being a life-long convicted felon and with service of local jail time with work release in his home state of Illinois.Embezzlement From Employer
Client Embezzled over $100,000 from her employer while in a position of trust and authority. Despite the significance of the loss and a very angry and involved victim, client avoided prison, received a sentence of local jail and home arrest, and had the ability to get the felony nature of the charge removed from her record upon good behavior while on probation.
For a free consultation, please call our Minneapolis-area office at 952-540-6800.
You can complete the online contact form if you prefer.
The Law Office of John J. Leunig
The Wells Fargo Plaza
7900 Xerxes Avenue South Suite 815
Bloomington, MN 55431